lunes, 28 de enero de 2008

Model of Report on Legality

To see how a Report on Legality is, please clik here

Modelo de Certificado de Legalidad

Para ver cómo es un Informe de Legalidad, pulse aquí

INFORME DE LEGALIDAD: la mejor receta para poder dormir sin pesadillas

Conjuntamente con el innegable perjuicio que se les ha ocasionado a quienes han elegido España como lugar de residencia y de inversión, se encuentra el enorme daño que se le está haciendo a la imagen de España y a todas aquellas empresas españolas que desarrollan sus actividades en el marco más estricto del cumplimiento de la ley y las normativas vigentes.

La Asociación ALOJA ESPAÑA, preocupada por este penoso incidente, se ha abocado a diseñar e implementar un servicio de investigación del escrupuloso cumplimiento de la legalidad, que será llevado a cabo recabando información de las distintas Consejerías de la Junta de Andalucía, principalmente Obras Públicas y Medio Ambiente, así como de las distintas Oficinas de la Administración del Estado y de los Registros Públicos involucradas en el tema.

Para ello, otorgará a quienes lo soliciten, un INFOME DE LEGALIDAD que representará el resumen de la investigación que llevará a cabo Peritos Judiciales Inmobiliarios recomendados por la propia Asociación ALOJA ESPAÑA, y que arrojará el estado exacto del bien a comprar, desde el punto de vista legal y normativo; comprobando que la vivienda o el terreno cumple no sólo con la legislación urbanística municipal, sino también con la autonómica, la nacional y la comunitaria. También comprobará que el inmueble está debidamente inscrito a nombre de su legal propietario tanto en el Registro de la Propiedad como en la Oficina Catastral, dependiente del Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda.

El Informe de Legalidad estará avalado además por la prestigiosa (siga leyendo)

REPORT ON LEGALITY: finally be able to sleep without nightmares

This certificate wil be made by Judicial Real-Estate Experts and the Association ALOJA ESPAÑA.

It was making nothing presage to the founders of the Association ALOJA ESPAÑA, ONG created in 1999 to facilitate the access of unprotected sectors of population to the housing, and creator of the embryo of the current national and autonomic legislation on the subject of rent, which in 2007 his principal work carries out in the acquirers' defense of housings that are constructed on areas not urbanizables, being probably an object of records of demolition, for the Autonomic Communities, principally in Andalusia, Murcia and the Valencian Community.
None of the readers are going to get bored with this text on the grave injustice being committed by the municipalities and the Government of Andalusia, about the problem that they themselves have created, tolerating or failing its duty of vigilance regarding the sale of properties that "apparently" have all the legal permits because they were issued by municipalities in the proper way and the houses, in most cases, have even been registered with the Registry Office Property; official body that accredits ownership of the properties in Spain.
Jointly with the undeniable damage that has caused them to whom they chose Spain as place of residence, one finds the enormous damage that one did him to the image of Spain and to all those Spanish companies that develop his activities in the most strict frame of the observance of the law and the current regulations.
The Association ALOJA ESPAÑA worried by this painful incident, there is the exposed one to design and to implement a service of investigation with the help of the Junta of Andalucia and the different Offices of the Administration of the State involved in the topic.
For it, it will grant those who request it, a REPORT ON LEGALITY that will represent the summary of the investigation that it will carry out Judicial Real estate Experts recommended by the proper Association ALOJA ALMERIA, and that there will throw the exact state of the property to buy, from the legal and normative point of view; verifying that the housing or the area expires not only with the town-planning municipal legislation, but also with the autonomic one, the national and the community one.
Also he will verify that the building is inscribed properly addressed to his legal owner both in the Record of the Property and in the Cadastral Office, dependent on the Department of Economy and Treasury. The Reprot on Legality will be endorsed also by judicial real-estate experts members at the prestigious real-estate consultancy and district attorney ARKITET, who is provided with the award "Arch of Europe" to the excellence of the quality and the CC100 Quality System, between others.
The cost of the above mentioned Certificate is of 280 euros for members of the Asociacion ALOJA ESPAÑA. To be an associate is free.
With this REPORT ON LEGALITY, the buying future will be provided with all the necessary information to support his decision of buy. Equally, Félix Campillo, president of the Association ALOJA ALMERIA, thinks that the Report on Legality is imperative to be able to sleep well any person who has bought a home in Spain within the past ten years, principally if in the municipality of acquisition some difficult case can exist.
The Report on Legality also serve as legal evidence and a large team of judicial real-estate experts, usual partners of the Association ALOJA ESPAÑA will be able to advise and represent the owner who might have to defend their interests against the seller, against which the City Council granted Licenses or against the very order of house demolition.
The Association ALOJA ESPAÑA also it provides telephone free advice (spanish spoken is prefered) related to the housing to any that one that needs it, lawyers' list specialists or that take similar cases in his zone, as well as it makes persons' lists that are interested in obtaining in his locality housings in buy or rent at prices much more limited than those of market, but this time being provided with all the legal permissions; encouraging and supporting these groups in the constitution of co-operatives of housings and communities of goods.
The interested ones can obtain all kinds of information in English and in Spanish on this initiative of the Association ALOJA ESPAÑA on the web page, at the time that calling to the phone 950 620 640 in schedule from 9 until 14 hours or writing to .
Also shortly the Association will put in functioning its own web page / Meanwhile you can visit the blog
Further information, everybody can write to:

Tel.: 950 620 640

Fax: 950 620 641

Asociación ALOJA ESPAÑA Estación Intermodal, 1ª planta - dcha 04006 Almería

British volunteers are wellcome!!
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